######################################### :mod:`ipidea_proxy` --- ipidea_proxy Python library ######################################### .. module:: ipidea_proxy The :mod:`ipidea_proxy` module provides - :mod:`ipidea_proxy.client.IpideaProxy`: A client for ipidea's HTTP API. Installation ============ Install from PyPI:: $ pip install ipidea-proxy --upgrade Initialization ============ :mod:`ipidea_proxy` must be initialized with :meth:`ipidea_proxy.client.IpideaProxy`. A uid and an app key are required. The uid and app key can be passed explicitly to :meth:`ipidea_proxy.client.IpideaProxy` or defined as environment variables ``IPIDEA_UID`` and ``IPIDEA_APPKEY`` respectively. Here's an example to initialize the client 1.Defining environment variables in advance:: from ipidea_proxy.client import IpideaProxy ipp = IpideaProxy() 2.Use uid and appkey explicitly with the client:: from ipidea_proxy.client import IpideaProxy ipp = IpideaProxy(uid='xxxx', appkey='xxxxxx') Usage ~~~~~ Be sure to initialize the client using :meth:`ipidea_proxy.client.IpideaProxy` and then use :meth:`ipidea_proxy.client.IpideaProxy` for more API purposes:: from ipidea_proxy.client import IpideaProxy ipp = IpideaProxy() # add whitelist ips: ipp.add_whitelist(white_ips) # list whitelist ips: ipp.list_whitelist() # delete whitelist ips: ipp.delete_whitelist(white_ips) # get account remaining quota: ipp.get_remaining_quota() # set account alarm threshold: ipp.set_alaram_threshold(phone, flow_upper_limit, operate, status) # get main account usage during a time period: ipp.get_main_account_usage(start_time, end_time) # get sub account usage during a time period: ipp.get_sub_account_usage(sub_id, start_time, end_time)